
Writing Your Second Kotlin Compiler Plugin, Part 6 — Support Libraries, Publishing, and Integration Testing

At the time of writing this article, Kotlin compatibility for IR backend is in Alpha status and the compiler plugin API is Experimental. As such, information contained in this article about IR and compiler plugins could be out-of-date or incorrect. If official documentation exists, please refer to it first.

As I wrap up this series of articles, there are a couple additional topics I wanted to cover in regards to Kotlin compiler plugins. None of these were worth a dedicated article, as they are each relatively small topics. Namely the ideas of support libraries, integration testing, and publishing a compiler plugin.

Support Libraries

A support library is required for a Kotlin compiler plugin if the plugin expects certain symbols to be present at compile time. In Part 5, the transformer created expected an annotation DebugLog to be present. In practice this annotation would be provided by a support library which the Gradle plugin can automatically add to the dependencies of the project.

A support library is just another Kotlin project and is set up in the same way. The interesting part happens when you want to automatically include this project as a dependency when your compiler plugin is applied to a project. To do this, we’ll need to go all the way back to Part 1 when we configured the Gradle KotlinCompilerPluginSupportPlugin class. Using the applyToCompilation override function we can add a dependency to the project using the kotlinCompilation parameter.

override fun applyToCompilation(
  kotlinCompilation: KotlinCompilation<*>
): Provider<List<SubpluginOption>> {
  kotlinCompilation.dependencies {

Here we are adding the annotation library to the implementation dependency configuration. The coordinates of the annotation library are automatically generated with the [buildconfig] Gradle plugin.

buildConfig {
  val annotationProject = project(":debuglog-annotation")
  buildConfigField("String", "ANNOTATION_LIBRARY_GROUP", "\"${}\"")
  buildConfigField("String", "ANNOTATION_LIBRARY_NAME", "\"${}\"")
  buildConfigField("String", "ANNOTATION_LIBRARY_VERSION", "\"${annotationProject.version}\"")

By adding this configuration to the Gradle plugin, the user of your compiler plugin does not need to worry about explicitly adding the support library to the list of dependencies.

There is an open issue against Kotlin, KT-43385, for an issue with IntelliJ and AndroidStudio not properly resolving dependencies added in this way. Gradle successfully builds the project, but the IDE will render the code with errors.


I’ll keep this section short because I claim no expertise on this subject and there are many better guides available depending on what you are trying to achieve. However, I wanted to point out a couple things I have found helpful which will hopefully get you on the right path.

To publish the Gradle plugin, you can use the officially supported plugin-publish Gradle plugin from the Gradle team. This will require an account with Gradle and there is a list of steps to follow available.

To publish all the Kotlin projects (plugin, native plugin, and optional support library), you will need to use a Maven repository host. Two common options are Bintray by JFrog and Nexus by Sonatype. Nexus is what I use to sync with MavenCentral but there are many steps to complete before you are allowed to publish. Bintray can be much easier to upload with the requirement of specifying additional Gradle repositories on the consumption side.

Publishing is a tricky topic and there are a lot of different ways to get your plugin in other people’s hands. I find it easiest to explore publication Gradle code in other projects so I will link a few which I use as reference. Many take advantage of the gradle-maven-publish-plugin plugin to perform publishing but I have no personal experience with it.

Integration Testing

If you want to test local changes of your Kotlin compiler plugin, there is an extremely handy feature in Gradle called composite builds. This is very similar to multi-project builds, instead of doing it at the dependency level, you configure it at the root of the project. The documentation for this feature is excellent, and while the documentation makes it obvious what the benefits are for project level dependencies, it doesn’t mention that dependency substitution also works at the build dependency level (ie, Gradle plugins).

Composite builds allow for testing your Kotlin compiler plugin against a local project without the need of publishing to a remote or local repository. If you include the build of your Kotlin compiler plugin project in another Gradle project, the Gradle plugin and all other dependencies will be substituted with the local compiler plugin project artifacts.

To illustrate this, create a directory in you Kotlin compiler plugin project called sample. Fill this directory with a Gradle project, wrapper and all, that uses the Kotlin compiler plugin. In the settings.gradle or settings.gradle.kts files you can add includeBuild("..") and when you build the project in the sample directory, it will automatically build and use the Kotlin compiler plugin in the parent directory. You can see an example of this at work in the debuglog repository.

This is extremely useful for all kinds of testing, especially when you want to perform integration testing against all of Kotlin’s platforms. While unit testing allows you to test Kotlin/JVM compilation, I have not found anything for unit testing Kotlin/Native compilation.

Thanks for reading my series of articles about Kotlin IR and writing a Kotlin compiler plugin! If you would like to explore a simple, working Kotlin compiler plugin created for this article series, you can check out the debuglog repository.

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