
Writing Your Second Kotlin Compiler Plugin, Part 4 — Building Kotlin IR

At the time of writing this article, Kotlin compatibility for IR backend is in Alpha status and the compiler plugin API is Experimental. As such, information contained in this article about IR and compiler plugins could be out-of-date or incorrect. If official documentation exists, please refer to it first.

Now that we know how to navigate Kotlin IR from Part 3, we can start talking about how to transform Kotlin IR, right? Well we have one more topic we need to cover first: building Kotlin IR. Transforming Kotlin IR works by adding, removing, or replacing IR elements, so we need to know how to build them first!

Building Context

Back in Part 1 we learned about the IrGenerationExtension interface which is the entry point for a compiler plugin to generate or transform Kotlin IR. We talked briefly about the IrModuleFragment parameter in Part 2, but now we need to talk about the other parameter, IrPluginContext. A IrPluginContext provides contextual information to the plugin about things outside the current module being compiled.

From the IrPluginContext instance, we can obtain an instance of IrFactory. This factory class is how a Kotlin compiler plugin can create its own IR elements. It contains many functions for building instances of IrClass, IrSimpleFunction, IrProperty, and much more. But probably more important, there are also quite a few extension functions which make building IR declarations easier.

IrFactory is useful when building declarations: classes, functions, properties, etc, but when building statements and expressions, you will need an instance of IrBuilder. More importantly, you will need an instance of IrBuilderWithScope. With this builder instance, a lot more extension functions for IR expressions become available.

Hello World, But Make It IR

Some of this might make more sense when shown an example, so let’s build the following with IR!

fun main() {
  println("Hello, World!")

But how do we know what to build? Remember our friend dump() from Part 2? Using that utility we can dump the IR tree for the above example.

FUN name:main visibility:public modality:FINAL <> () returnType:kotlin.Unit
    CALL 'public final fun println (message: kotlin.Any?): kotlin.Unit [inline] declared in' type=kotlin.Unit origin=null
      message: CONST String type=kotlin.String value="Hello, World!"

From this we have a blueprint for what to build! Let’s take a look at different sections of the resulting code and then put the whole thing together.

val typeNullableAny = pluginContext.irBuiltIns.anyNType
val typeUnit = pluginContext.irBuiltIns.unitType

From the IrPluginContext you can get an instance of IrBuiltIns which provides quick access to many things built into the Kotlin language. This includes references to many class types and IR symbols. Here we are getting the types Any? and Unit as instances of IrType. These will be used later to find the correct println overload and set the return type of the main function.

val funPrintln = pluginContext.referenceFunctions(FqName(""))
  .single {
    val parameters = it.owner.valueParameters
    parameters.size == 1 && parameters[0].type == typeNullableAny

If what you need isn’t built into the language itself, but rather comes from a dependency (like the standard library), you can use the IrPluginContext.reference*() functions to find the needed IrSymbol. An IrSymbol allows for a lazy reference to an IrElement, and as such it has a property owner which links to the referenced IrElement. Here we are getting the IrFunctionSymbol for the println(message: Any?) function.

Since function overloading is supported in Kotlin, there can be multiple functions with the same fully-qualified name, so we need to filter the returned functions to a single function with the desired signature.

val funMain = pluginContext.irFactory.buildFun {
  name = Name.identifier("main")
  visibility = DescriptorVisibilities.PUBLIC // default
  modality = Modality.FINAL // default
  returnType = typeUnit

Using the IrFactory instance from the IrPluginContext we can build a function using the extension function buildFun. This function takes a lambda with receiver of type IrFunctionBuilder which allows for setting various properties like name, visibility, modality, and the return type, all of which we are setting here even though some have default values.

You do not need to set a body as part of building the initial function definition. This is because not all functions have bodies! Kotlin has many cases when a function body isn’t required like abstract and expect function definitions.

funMain.body = DeclarationIrBuilder(pluginContext, funMain.symbol).irBlockBody {
  val callPrintln = irCall(funPrintln)
  callPrintln.putValueArgument(0, irString("Hello, World!"))

If you do want to add a body to the function you can do so by setting the body property of the built IrFunction. To do so you will need an instance of IrBuilderWithScope which is created here as a DeclarationIrBuilder. From this builder you will have access to many builder extension functions including the irBlockBody function used here. The irBlockBody takes a lambda with receiver of type IrBlockBodyBuilder which is also a IrBuilderWithScope allowing other builder extension functions to be used.

From within an IrBlockBodyBuilder, a function call can be created via the irCall function and a string constant can be created via the irString function. Combine these together to create a call to println with the parameter value "Hello, World!". This function call can be added to the surrounding block body using the + operator on the IrCall. Otherwise we would have created the function call but not put it anywhere!

Putting all these sections together, and using the also scoping function to remove temporary local variables, will result in the following. This example should print out a dump of the built IR which is exactly the same as what we started with; success!

override fun generate(moduleFragment: IrModuleFragment, pluginContext: IrPluginContext) {
  val typeNullableAny = pluginContext.irBuiltIns.anyNType
  val typeUnit = pluginContext.irBuiltIns.unitType

  val funPrintln = pluginContext.referenceFunctions(FqName(""))
    .single {
      val parameters = it.owner.valueParameters
      parameters.size == 1 && parameters[0].type == typeNullableAny

  val funMain = pluginContext.irFactory.buildFun {
    name = Name.identifier("main")
    visibility = DescriptorVisibilities.PUBLIC // default
    modality = Modality.FINAL // default
    returnType = typeUnit
  }.also { function ->
    function.body = DeclarationIrBuilder(pluginContext, function.symbol).irBlockBody {
      +irCall(funPrintln).also { call ->
        call.putValueArgument(0, irString("Hello, World!"))


Origin Story

The pattern of dumping Kotlin IR and recreating is the pattern I most often use when attempting to create IR elements. However, sometimes it doesn’t work so well. For example, consider the following data class.

data class Person(
  val name: String,
  val age: Int,
  val email: String

If you dump the IR tree for this class it is 181 lines long! Because of all the code generation that happens behind a data class, it becomes difficult to manually generate efficiently. All of this generation takes place during the conversion between the compiler frontend (PSI/FIR) to the compiler backend (IR). However, it does hint at something which can be useful so let’s take a look at a small section of the IR dump.

FUN GENERATED_DATA_CLASS_MEMBER name:component1 visibility:public modality:FINAL <> ($this:<root>.Person) returnType:kotlin.String [operator]
  $this: VALUE_PARAMETER name:<this> type:<root>.Person
    RETURN type=kotlin.Nothing from='public final fun component1 (): kotlin.String [operator] declared in <root>.Person'
      GET_FIELD 'FIELD PROPERTY_BACKING_FIELD name:name type:kotlin.String visibility:private [final]' type=kotlin.String origin=null
        receiver: GET_VAR '<this>: <root>.Person declared in <root>.Person.component1' type=<root>.Person origin=null

This is the IR for the generated fun component1(): String function of the data class which will return the name of the person. Notice the big GENERATED_DATA_CLASS_MEMBER text right near the beginning of the dump? This is the IrDeclarationOrigin property of the function that all IrDeclaration elements have. The origin of a declaration describes what Kotlin source code construct compilation resulted in that particular declaration. In our example, this function originated from a data class.

There is also a IrStatementOrigin class which is the same for many different subtypes of IrStatement which includes the likes of DO_WHILE_LOOP, ELVIS, and RANGE. From these types, and if you have the Kotlin source code opened with IntelliJ, you can navigate to the code which generates the IR code for corresponding construct. For example, if you search for DO_WHILE_LOOP, you will find the LoopExpressionGenerator class which has a function called generateDoWhileLoop which can generate a do-while loop IrExpression from a KtDoWhileExpression.

If you are attempting to build an IR element and do not know what functions to call to build it, often the easiest thing is to search the Kotlin compiler for examples of similar IR elements. Having a local instance of the Kotlin repository which has been indexed by IntelliJ is very import since there is no official documentation for a compiler plugin API.

Hopefully this article provided you with a good foundation for building IR elements. If you are struggling with the concepts of code generation in general, you might want to check out something like KotlinPoet which generates Kotlin source code instead of IR and is extremely well documented. Since KotlinPoet generates text output it is also easier to experiment with different However, if you want to jump feet first into building some Kotlin IR elements, check out my GitHub template project for IR based Kotlin compiler plugins!

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