
Writing Your Second Kotlin Compiler Plugin, Part 3 — Navigating Kotlin IR

At the time of writing this article, Kotlin compatibility for IR backend is in Alpha status and the compiler plugin API is Experimental. As such, information contained in this article about IR and compiler plugins could be out-of-date or incorrect. If official documentation exists, please refer to it first.

Continuing on from Part 2 where we learned how to inspect Kotlin IR, let’s explore how to navigate the Kotlin IR tree and inspect specific elements.

We Got Visitors!

As shown in Part 2, the Kotlin IR is an abstract syntax tree (AST). This means that fundamentally when dealing with Kotlin IR, we are dealing with a tree structure. We’ll be dealing with things like parents, siblings, and children which all implement the same interface, IrElement. This interface shows us exactly how we will be navigating the Kotlin IR tree: with the visitor pattern! The IrElement interface has 2 functions which enable the visitor pattern.

fun <R, D> accept(visitor: IrElementVisitor<R, D>, data: D): R
fun <D> acceptChildren(visitor: IrElementVisitor<Unit, D>, data: D): Unit

Both of these functions take an IrElementVisitor, which is another interface but with a lot more functions. An implementation of the IrElementVisitor interface is what allows us to navigate a Kotlin IR tree, with the appropriate function being called when visiting that type of element.

Top To Bottom

If we inspect the default implementations of the functions of IrElementVisitor we can learn a little about how the different nodes of the Kotlin IR tree are related. For example, lets take a look at the visitClass function.

fun visitClass(declaration: IrClass, data: D) = visitDeclaration(declaration, data)

This function accepts an IrClass and the default implementation delegates to another function, visitDeclaration. If you want to perform some operation on every IrClass, you would provide a different implementation for this function. But let’s first continue down the call chain and look at the visitDeclaration function.

fun visitDeclaration(declaration: IrDeclarationBase, data: D) = visitElement(declaration, data)

This function accepts an IrDeclarationBase and the default implementation delegates to yet another function, visitElement. Because we can call this function with an IrClass, we know that IrClass must implement IrDeclarationBase. Finally, the visitElement function.

fun visitElement(element: IrElement, data: D): R

This visitElement function is the only function which does not have a default implementation. Since IrElement is the base interface for all IR elements, it makes sense that all functions in IrElementVisitor eventually delegate to this visitElement function. This function is also what helps enable recursion to children of each element!

Parents & Siblings & Children, Oh My!

To further understand how the IrElementVisitor works, we can take a look at how IrClass implements the 2 functions from IrElement which accept a visitor implementation.

override fun <R, D> accept(visitor: IrElementVisitor<R, D>, data: D): R =
    visitor.visitClass(this, data)

override fun <D> acceptChildren(visitor: IrElementVisitor<Unit, D>, data: D) {
    thisReceiver?.accept(visitor, data)
    typeParameters.forEach { it.accept(visitor, data) }
    declarations.forEach { it.accept(visitor, data) }

From this example, we can see that the accept function simply calls the appropriate visitor function. This polymorphic behavior allows a caller to properly handle any IrElement simply by calling element.accept(visitor, data). This behavior of calling the appropriate visitor function is consistent across all element implementations.

The acceptChildren calls the accept function on each child IrElement it contains. As we just learned, the accept function simply calls the appropriate visitor function. This means that by calling element.acceptChildren(visitor, data) the visitor will properly handle all children of the element. This leads us to how recursion works with the visitor pattern!

Say we had the following visitor implementation.

class RecursiveVisitor : IrElementVisitor<Unit, Nothing?> {
  override fun visitElement(element: IrElement, data: Nothing?) {
    element.acceptChildren(this, data)

By calling moduleFragment.accept(RecursiveVisitor(), null) from an IrGeneratorExtension we would visit every single IrElement in the module! Don’t believe me? Add some print statements and try it for yourself. Can you recreate a simplified version of the dump() function we looked at in Part 2?

Data In, Data Out

Something we skipped over with IrElementVisitor is the 2 type parameters it has, one defining the type of the data parameter each visit function accepts, and the other defining the return type for each visit function.

The input value data can be used to pass contextual information throughout the IR navigation. For example, this could be the current indent spacing to use when printing out the details of an element.

class StringIndentVisitor : IrElementVisitor<Unit, String> {
  override fun visitElement(element: IrElement, data: String) {
    println("$data${render(element)} {")
    element.acceptChildren(this, "  $data")

The output type can be used to return a result from accepting the visitor. There are rare occasions when this is useful (like IR transformation!) and usually the return type is just Unit. However, one example might be to find the root parent of an element.

// Not as efficient as a while loop, but exemplifies how the output type could be used
class RootParentVisitor : IrElementVisitor<IrDeclarationParent?, Nothing?> {
  override fun visitElement(element: IrElement, data: Nothing?): IrDeclarationParent? = null

  override fun visitDeclaration(declaration: IrDeclarationBase, data: Nothing?): IrDeclarationParent {
    val parent = declaration.parent
    return parent.accept(this, null) ?: parent

Something interesting to notice, is that the acceptChildren only accepts a visitor of type IrElementVisitor<Unit, D>, which means that when performing recursive operations across all children, no data can be returned. If data needs to be returned from a recursive visitor, it is common pattern for the visitor to be passed some builder object which can be updated during traversal.

class CollectingVisitor(
  private val elements: MutableList<IrElement>
) : IrElementVisitor<Unit, Nothing?> {
  override fun visitElement(element: IrElement, data: Nothing?) {
    element.acceptChildren(this, data)

fun collect(element: IrElement) = buildList<IrElement> {
  element.accept(CollectingVisitor(this), null)

Depth Versus Breadth

The astute reader will have noticed at this point that the visitor pattern I have been explaining is just a form of tree traversal, and more specifically depth-first traversal. While it is possible to perform a breadth-first traversal, it is a bit more complicated. Like most breadth-first search algorithms a queue of elements must be maintained and the children of the current element must be added into that queue after processing the element.

fun breadthFirstCollect(element: IrElement) = buildList<IrElement> {
  val queue = ArrayDeque<IrElement>()
  val visitor = object : IrElementVisitor<Unit, Nothing?> {
    override fun visitElement(element: IrElement, data: Nothing?) {

  while (queue.isNotEmpty()) {
    val current = queue.removeFirst()
    this.add(current) // add element to collection
    current.acceptChildren(visitor, null) // add children to element queue

So while breadth-first traversal is possible, I have not found any use for it when dealing with Koltin IR, nor have I noticed any use of it in the Kotlin compiler code base.

Hopefully you now have a better understanding of how a Kotlin IR tree can be navigated. Remember, if you want to experiment with IR navigation or build your own compiler plugin, check out my GitHub template for IR based Kotlin compiler plugins!

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