
Writing Your Second Kotlin Compiler Plugin, Part 5 — Transforming Kotlin IR

At the time of writing this article, Kotlin compatibility for IR backend is in Alpha status and the compiler plugin API is Experimental. As such, information contained in this article about IR and compiler plugins could be out-of-date or incorrect. If official documentation exists, please refer to it first.

And here we are, ready to transform Kotlin IR! After learning how to navigate and build Kotlin IR we now have the tools needed to transform Kotlin IR. This is a long one, so let’s get going!

Déjà Vu

Just like in Part 3 where we learned about the visitor pattern, transforming Kotlin IR is very similar but with a specific sub-class of IrElementVisitor called IrElementTransformer. This interface defines a return type of IrElement at the class level but then overrides each visit function to be more specific types like IrStatement and IrExpression. And again, each IrElement has 2 functions which take a transformer as the parameter.

fun <D> transform(transformer: IrElementTransformer<D>, data: D): IrElement = accept(transformer, data)
fun <D> transformChildren(transformer: IrElementTransformer<D>, data: D): Unit

The base transform function defaults to delegating the visitor function accept and overrides of the function in sub-classes usually are only needed to override the return type of the function to a more specific type. For example, the transform function in IrFile looks as follows.

override fun <D> transform(transformer: IrElementTransformer<D>, data: D): IrFile =
  accept(transformer, data) as IrFile

The transformChildren function is - once again - much more interesting. Just like visiting all the children of each element, the transform function allows transforming each child element. For example let’s look at the implementation for IrClass.

override fun <D> transformChildren(transformer: IrElementTransformer<D>, data: D) {
  thisReceiver = thisReceiver?.transform(transformer, data)
  typeParameters = typeParameters.transformIfNeeded(transformer, data)
  declarations.transformInPlace(transformer, data)

Since each child property is defined as a var or a mutable collection, if the transform function returns a different instance, it can replace the previous instance. Also note that if a child element does not exist, it will not be transformed so it cannot be replaced. However when transforming an element, you can add child elements as needed which we will show later.

Tracing The Outline

Inspired by Kevin Most’s 2018 KotlinConf talk, which in turn was inspired by Jake Wharton’s Hugo library, let’s take the example of transforming functions to include debug print statements. We’ll just use println for logging but this could be expanded to make use of a proper logging framework.

fun greet(greeting: String = "Hello", name: String = "World"): String {
  return "${'$'}greeting, ${'$'}name!"

In our example, given a function annotated with @DebugLog, println statements will be added at the entrance and all exits of the function. Here is what writing this by hand would look like.

fun greet(greeting: String = "Hello", name: String = "World"): String {
  println("⇢ greet(greeting=$greeting, name=$name)")
  val startTime = TimeSource.Monotonic.markNow()
  try {
    val result = "${'$'}greeting, ${'$'}name!"
    println("⇠ greet [${startTime.elapsedNow()}] = $result")
    return result
  } catch (t: Throwable) {
    println("⇠ greet [${startTime.elapsedNow()}] = $t")
    throw t

Yes, we are use

Autobots, Roll Out!

To perform this debug log transformation, we’ll need a transformer implementation and ours will extend from IrElementTransformerVoidWithContext. This abstract transformer takes no input data (“Void”) and maintains an internal stack of various IR elements it has visited (“WithContext”).

class DebugLogTransformer(
  private val pluginContext: IrPluginContext,
  private val annotationClass: IrClassSymbol,
  private val logFunction: IrSimpleFunctionSymbol,
) : IrElementTransformerVoidWithContext()

Our transformer will require 3 parameters:

We will also need a few local properties to reference known types, classes, and functions.

private val typeUnit = pluginContext.irBuiltIns.unitType
private val typeThrowable = pluginContext.irBuiltIns.throwableType

private val classMonotonic =

private val funMarkNow =

private val funElapsedNow =

Next, we can override the visitFunctionNew function to intercept transformation of function statements. This visit function is specific to IrElementTransformerVoidWithContext as IrFunction is an element which is added to the context stack the abstract transformer maintains. As we know from Part 4, a function body can be null. So to see if we should transform an intercepted function we need to check if it has a body and has the correct annotation applied. For the annotation check, we can use the extension function hasAnnotation.

override fun visitFunctionNew(declaration: IrFunction): IrStatement {
  val body = declaration.body
  if (body != null && declaration.hasAnnotation(annotationClass)) {
    declaration.body = irDebug(declaration, body)
  return super.visitFunctionNew(declaration)

Before tackling the irDebug function we need to create, let’s first take a look at the IR helpers for the entrance and exit log statements.

Making An Entrance

When the function is first entered, we need to make a call to println to display the function name and supplied parameter values.

println("⇢ greet(greeting=$greeting, name=$name)")

We created something similar to this in Part 4 so the following should look relatively familiar.

private fun IrBuilderWithScope.irDebugEnter(
  function: IrFunction
): IrCall {
  val concat = irConcat()
  concat.addArgument(irString("⇢ ${}("))
  for ((index, valueParameter) in function.valueParameters.withIndex()) {
    if (index > 0) concat.addArgument(irString(", "))

  return irCall(logFunction).also { call ->
    call.putValueArgument(0, concat)

This does introduce a new builder function irConcat. IrStringConcatenation is a helpful IR element for building interpolated strings and is used here to replicate Kotlin string templates but at the IR level. Also notice the irGet builder which is able to access the value of the function parameter.

Making An Exit, Thrice!

On exit, we want to log the result or the exception thrown. If the function returns Unit we can skip displaying the result as it is known to be nothing. This results in needing to replicate the following 3 println statements.

println("⇠ greet [${startTime.elapsedNow()}] = $result")
println("⇠ greet [${startTime.elapsedNow()}] = $t")
println("⇠ greet [${startTime.elapsedNow()}]")

Similar to entrance logging, we can use an IrStringConcatenation again to build the message string. However we need 2 additional pieces of information, the startTime and the result or exception.

private fun IrBuilderWithScope.irDebugExit(
  function: IrFunction,
  startTime: IrValueDeclaration,
  result: IrExpression? = null
): IrCall {
  val concat = irConcat()
  concat.addArgument(irString("⇠ ${} ["))
  concat.addArgument(irCall(funElapsedNow).also { call ->
    call.dispatchReceiver = irGet(startTime)
  if (result != null) {
    concat.addArgument(irString("] = "))
  } else {

  return irCall(logFunction).also { call ->
    call.putValueArgument(0, concat)

The startTime is provided as an IrValueDeclaration. This is a reference to a local variable which can be accessed using irGet. To use the elapsedNow function on the start time TimeMark, we can use the funElapsedNow symbol and provide the startTime variable as the dispatchReceiver for the irCall. Note that the other receiver type of IrCall, extensionReceiver, is used for specifying the receiver for extension functions.

The result parameter is an IrExpression which will provide the result of the annotated function or the exception thrown. This is optional for the case when the annotated function returns Unit. An IrExpression can be added directly to an IrStringConcatenation as it can handle concatenating arbitrary IR expressions.

On Your Mark…

There are a couple other small section I want to go over before showing the full irDebug function implementation.

To create a temporary local variable you can use the irTemporary builder. This in combination with irCall and irGetObject we can save the start time for the annotated function. This is the same as calling TimeSource.Monotonic.markNow() and saving to a local variable. Note that irTemporary automatically adds the returned IrVariable to the surrounding IrStatementsBuilder so be careful where you invoke this builder.

val startTime = irTemporary(irCall(funMarkNow).also { call ->
  call.dispatchReceiver = irGetObject(classMonotonic)

To build a try-catch statement, there unfortunately is no builder function so we need to construct the implementation class directly. Since a try block is an expression in Kotlin, we need to provide a result type for the IrTry. We also need to build a variable for each catch expression to reference the caught throwable inside a irCatch builder. All of this will be built within a IrBuilderWithScope which provides scope, startOffset, and endOffset as class properties.

val tryBlock: IrExpression = ...

val throwable = buildVariable(
  scope.getLocalDeclarationParent(), startOffset, endOffset, IrDeclarationOrigin.CATCH_PARAMETER,
  Name.identifier("t"), typeThrowable

IrTryImpl(startOffset, endOffset, tryBlock.type).also { irTry ->
  irTry.tryResult = tryResult
  irTry.catches += irCatch(throwable, ... as IrExpression)

The expression block of the try expression is built using irBlock. The original statements of the annotated function body are added as statements to the try expression as well as a final call to irDebugExit if the function returns Unit.

val tryBlock = irBlock(resultType = function.returnType) {
  for (statement in body.statements) +statement
  if (function.returnType == typeUnit) +irDebugExit(function, startTime)

The expression block of the catch expression is also built using irBlock. This block will use irDebugExit to log the exception and then preserve the exception by rethrowing it.

irTry.catches += irCatch(throwable, irBlock {
  +irDebugExit(function, startTime, irGet(throwable))

Get Set…

And here is the irDebug function, taking the annotated function and the original body as parameters.

private fun irDebug(
  function: IrFunction,
  body: IrBody
): IrBlockBody {
  return DeclarationIrBuilder(pluginContext, function.symbol).irBlockBody {

    val startTime = irTemporary(irCall(funMarkNow).also { call ->
      call.dispatchReceiver = irGetObject(classMonotonic)

    val tryBlock = irBlock(resultType = function.returnType) {
      for (statement in body.statements) +statement
      if (function.returnType == typeUnit) +irDebugExit(function, startTime)
    }.transform(DebugLogReturnTransformer(function, startTime), null)

    val throwable = buildVariable(
      scope.getLocalDeclarationParent(), startOffset, endOffset, IrDeclarationOrigin.CATCH_PARAMETER,
      Name.identifier("t"), typeThrowable

    +IrTryImpl(startOffset, endOffset, tryBlock.type).also { irTry ->
      irTry.tryResult = tryBlock
      irTry.catches += irCatch(throwable, irBlock {
        +irDebugExit(function, startTime, irGet(throwable))

But, wait! What is this DebugLogReturnTransformer transformer on the tryBlock? This secondary transformer is used to convert return statements so the result can be logged before exiting the function.

val result = "${'$'}greeting, ${'$'}name!"
println("⇠ greet [${startTime.elapsedNow()}] = $result")
return result

To replicate the above transformation, we can intercept IrReturn elements with a secondary transformer.

inner class DebugLogReturnTransformer(
  private val function: IrFunction,
  private val startTime: IrVariable
) : IrElementTransformerVoidWithContext() {
  override fun visitReturn(expression: IrReturn): IrExpression {
    if (expression.returnTargetSymbol != function.symbol) return super.visitReturn(expression)

    return DeclarationIrBuilder(pluginContext, function.symbol).irBlock {
      val result = irTemporary(expression.value)
      +irDebugExit(function, startTime, irGet(result))
      +expression.apply {
        value = irGet(result)

We should only transform IrReturn expressions that return from the annotated function. This can be checked by looking at the returnTargetSymbol property of the IrReturn element. To perform the actual transformation we need to do 4 things:

  1. Create a surrounding irBlock to hold multiple statements in a single expression,
  2. Create a temporary variable using irTemporary to save the value returned,
  3. Add our irDebugExit expression builder to log the result,
  4. Add the original return to the block but instead return the value of the temporary variable.


Now let’s apply this debug log transformer against the provided moduleFragment of an IrGenerationExtension. Grab a reference to the DebugLog annotation and println function from the pluginContext and then call transform with an instance of DebugLogTransformer on moduleFragment.

override fun generate(moduleFragment: IrModuleFragment, pluginContext: IrPluginContext) {
  val typeAnyNullable = pluginContext.irBuiltIns.anyNType

  val debugLogAnnotation = pluginContext.referenceClass(FqName("DebugLog"))!!
  val funPrintln = pluginContext.referenceFunctions(FqName(""))
    .single {
      val parameters = it.owner.valueParameters
      parameters.size == 1 && parameters[0].type == typeAnyNullable

  moduleFragment.transform(DebugLogTransformer(pluginContext, debugLogAnnotation, funPrintln), null)

To see this in action, we can use the kotlin-compile-testing library as shown in Part 1. With the compilation result object, we can get a ClassLoader of the compiled classes. From this we can get the main function and run it.

val result = compile(
  sourceFile = SourceFile.kotlin(
      annotation class DebugLog
      fun main() {
        println(greet(name = "Kotlin IR"))
      fun greet(greeting: String = "Hello", name: String = "World"): String { 
        Thread.sleep(15) // simulate work
        return "${'$'}greeting, ${'$'}name!"
assertEquals(KotlinCompilation.ExitCode.OK, result.exitCode)

val kClazz = result.classLoader.loadClass("MainKt")
val main = kClazz.declaredMethods.single { == "main" && it.parameterCount == 0 }

After running this test, we should see the following output.

⇢ greet(greeting=Hello, name=World)
⇠ greet [20.1ms] = Hello, World!
Hello, World!
⇢ greet(greeting=Hello, name=Kotlin IR)
⇠ greet [15.6ms] = Hello, Kotlin IR!

I know this article was longer than usual and full of a lot of new things, but see if you can put the pieces together and get something working! Can you make it so all functions in a class or even file annotated with @DebugLog are transformed? (Hint: IrElementTransformerVoidWithContext.currentClass) Can you make the irDebugEnter and irDebugExit functions abstract so different logging frameworks and message formats could be used by different implementations of DebugLogTransformer?

If you want to check out a working Kotlin compiler plugin created from all the code snippets above, you can check out the debuglog repository. And if you want to try creating your own Kotlin compiler plugin, take a look at the GitHub template repository I created.

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